The Vantage Motion Capture System package provides real time 3D motion capture feedback to both the rider and fitter. This powerful tool, in conjunction with software that doesnt require any post processing, provides the fitter with the data they need in order to make adjustments and enables riders to see changes in real time. This allows both parties to notice how each adjustment affects their feel on the bike.
Data is collected dynamically as a set of averaged pedal strokes from the rider, not from an isolated position or view.
Ease of use and comprehensive data create efficiency and time savings during each fit.
LED markers are captured at 18 frames-per-second creating millimeter-specific accuracy.
Rider movement is simultaneously and dynamically measured in three dimensions simultaneously while the rider is pedaling.
System includes Vantage sensor bar, LED wireless harness, ZIN wireless digitizing tool, sensor bar power supply, sensor bar cleaning cloth, sensor bar level, USB dongle, accessory charger, adhesive markers, elastic loop set, and folding tripod.
ZIN digitizer allows fast bike measurement with sub-millimeter accuracy.